Friday, June 29, 2007


Two hundred and twenty-four party dresses. Six million pairs of stilletos and three pairs of flip flops. An over-sized hat and two small bikinis made of string and brightly-coloured triangles.

Lots of suncream.


We are going on holiday tomorrow morning. Holiday! Tomorrow! Morning! Our flight leaves at just before six tomorrow morning, and tonight we're having celebration drinks to make the getting-up-in-the-grim-dark experience even more joyful.

Last night was filled with pink Champagne for no reason and lots of ironing. All my clothes are laid out carefully, ready to be rolled and squashed into a suitcase until they are dusted off again at the other end and re-ironed.

We are going here.

(Now would be a really bad time to develop a Portuguese stalker.)

Ten days stretch luxuriously out in front of me. Ten glorious days of sun and surfing, of getting up late and hanging out with friends all day. Of no temping, of no Luton. Of gin and tonics and barbeques and no grey drizzle misting up the gloomy early morning train. No filing, and therefore considerably fewer papercuts. Just sunstreaming, sticky suncream and sand in between the pages of my book.

Just holiday.

When I get back I am going to see this lady at Shepherds Bush Empire, and then on to this festival the following day, so the fun will maintain momentum for a while.

Have fun while I'm away. My freckles and I will see you when I get back.



Blogger Curly said...

Have a lovely time!

ps, did I ever tell you that I was half Portugese? Oh yes, Christiano is my first name.

3:18 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had no idea joan AP was jeff buckley's lover at the time he died. i know that's irrelevant to her art &c. but. BUT. i reserve the right to be secretly impressed.

6:05 pm

Blogger Clarissa said...

ohhhhh. looks nice! i'd like a review of the place in portugal when you get back!

3:12 pm

Blogger boohoo said...

Looks very nice - have lots of fun. And enjoy the sun for all us Brits ;)

10:22 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best on your holiday!!

3:00 am


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